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Jan 15 2020

Top 5 Tips For Driving Hybrid Cars


Hybrid Cars are the future of Automobile industry, there are a lot of people driving hybrid cars and this trend will increase day by day. Because hybrid cars reduce air pollution in the atmosphere and prevent greenhouse effects. These cars works on the combination of both electric motor and combustion engine, at low speed hybrid car electric motor take the load of the car but when you increase acceleration the automatic electronic controller shift car load to the engine. This process increase fuel mileage and hybrid cars save money as well.

The hybrid cars reduce carbon emissions when we drive at low speed, mostly electric motor take the load until the battery get drained, If we drive at slow speed the hybrid cars reduce greenhouse gasses emission which is the biggest thread for this planet in this era. The hybrid car with low co2 emission makes it favorable to the environment and that is the reason which increases sales of hybrid cars as time goes on. The hybrid cars future technology will reduce fuel consumption more as compared to the existing cars and which make it more fuel economy car and will attract customer attention. There are already some famous cars because of their fuel economic characteristics like Toyota Aqua fuel consumption is far less as compared to the traditional cars of its range.

But there are 5 most amazing driving tips for hybrid cars which make the car last longer and also save more fuel.

Top 5 tips for Driving Hybrid Cars

Drive Efficiently:

Hybrid vehicles are not only designed for comfort and luxury, they are also designed to save gasoline by using more electric power to make a difference in mileage and reduce emission of carbon. When you are driving to the long journey then you need to gain the desired speed and used cruise mode to keep the vehicle at same momentum. Cruise mode will lift power from engine to electric motor, this is the best way to increase mileage and save gasoline.

Lower speed:

If you are driving on long journey and using cruise mode at 55mph it still will not give good fuel efficiency, try to cruise at the speed of 60mph instead of 70mph. This will give you peak mileage efficiency while maintaining the speed which will not tired you on long journey.

Manage Battery Charge:

If you are thinking that doing full charge of the battery will be a good decision then you are wrong because the reality is that the fully charged battery consume faster as compared to the half charge battery. Almost all the hybrid car manufacturers recommend that charging of the battery between 20% to 80%. If you keep the hybrid car battery below 20% and you still drive on long journey then it will do permanent damage to the internal structure of the battery because battery will be unable to take the load of the motor and become hot enough to burn internal structure.

Braking Helps Battery:

When you are using cruise control with electric motor power vehicle then braking will help the battery each time you apply brake it send power back to the battery The best way is to drive slowly and brake gradually you will find you won’t have to worry about recharging your hybrid car battery often.

Use less Accessories:

If you are using your car on the eco friendly mode, then all your vehicle will be powered from battery, remember that your car have a lot of electronic accessories which consume a lot of power, try to avoid the use of Air conditioning system, radio, heater and especially headlights during day time etc… it will consume your hybrid car battery faster.


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