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Jul 03 2021

Help! My Keys are Stuck in the Car!


Locking your keys in your car gives you a cold sweat. Fortunately, there are solutions to get out of this embarrassment!

As the door closes, doubt assails you. Do you have your keys? Time freezes, breaks down. In unreal slow motion, your eyes fall on the lock buttons - all closed! - while your hand desperately searches your pockets ... Sticking your nose to the window, you see your keys which seem to taunt you in the passenger seat. Yep, you got your keys stuck in the car… It's a good time to curse yourself, but it won't make the keys appear in your hands. Don't panic, a professional can help you find your keys… and your smile!

Do You Have a Duplicate?

Obviously, the ideal is to have a duplicate of your keys nearby or at someone who can easily come and join you, but this is not always possible. Sometimes, it is so complicated to have access to this famous double that we forget this idea when we are in a hurry. And needless to say, leaving your double in the glove box is not the best idea!

Option One: Hooks, Ropes, Tennis Balls ...

Of course, we've all heard of tips and tricks for unlocking the doors and freeing our keys stuck in the car: hooks, ropes, tennis balls, etc. Sure, these instruments can be effective, but honestly, do you always carry these kinds of things in your pockets? Certainly not. And if this is the case, you have to know how to handle them correctly, otherwise you may start a fight in which you could end up losing.

Option Two: Break a Window ...

Breaking a window is an option, but the amount of repair will make you bitterly regret that choice. There is also the possibility of twisting the corner of the door to insert a bar that will reach the famous button in order to unlock it, but that too leaves consequences on the car which will result in expensive repairs. Or, because of the air that will enter through the unadjusted door, you may have to endure a continual whistling sound when the car is moving ...

Option Three: The Taxi Driver

Another option is to call a taxi, because often taxi drivers are equipped with a special bar to unlock car doors. However, if you come across a driver inexperienced in this kind of service, you risk damaging your car. If most are conscientious, we can no longer count the horror stories where doors were ransacked by taxi drivers in a hurry to get it over with ...

The Solution: The Automotive Expert

When the keys are stuck in the car, it is best to call in a professional repair shop. Specialized in this kind of maneuver, it will unlock your door in a jiffy with a touch that leaves no trace on your vehicle. You will have a guaranteed professional job and in a few minutes you will find your keys that you had so stupidly stuck in the car. In short, it is always better to call a professional rather than take unnecessary risks that could damage your vehicle. Thanks to him, this story will be quickly settled ... and quickly forgotten!

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